About us

My name is Trevor. I am a 6’4” “giant” lover of things electronic and helpful. Whether that be tech or tools, I obsess over breaking down gadgets by functionality, durability, cosmetic appeal, usefulness, simplicity, and hidden features. I also have a fondness for writing. With this realization, I figured I would give blogging a try. This led to the creating of this website. Here I intend to make detailed, honest, unbiased reviews on various gadgets for those who are seeking information before they go about making a purchase. I will rate these items either a “W” for win, or “L” for loss based on the aforementioned qualities. If only a few people find this blog useful then I would consider its efforts a W. Thank you for visiting and any offers of support. It is appreciated.

Notice: a select portion of the links leading to a place to purchase the reviewed product may be affiliate links. These are links that tell the seller how you found their website. If you discover their website through an affiliate link on my blog, they may send me a portion of the commissions from the sale. If you decide you want to purchase an item, using the links provided would be an excellent way to show your support for the blog. It won’t make me a rich man but it will help me cover the expenses of making this website and purchasing the products to review. With that being said, don’t feel any obligation to use the links if you don’t want to. Do as you wish. I only wanted to be transparent in order to prevent anyone who follows my blog from feeling betrayed by making such a discovery. Not every link is an affiliate link. But as the page grows, it is likely that I will include a few for my more favored products. Read our affiliate disclousure for more details.